
isklar n kettle chips

I've always loved the bottle design for Isklar, ever since I first saw them working in Waitrose. Blue Marlin is the guilty party and I like a few of their other brand designs too. Like what they've done for Kettle Chips:

They speak about how the brand was becoming over-run by new products entering the luxury crisp market so it needed a small re-vamp and de-clutter of the packaging. They've done it perfectly in my view.


lava's style: good

This is one of my favourite identities by Lava - a dutch design company - and one of my favourite design companies. I love the mix between the very rigid, geometric type and the free, 'hand-drawn' chocolate text. The colours work really well too. When I come to apply for a placement Lava will probably be my first choice. Partly because the opportunity to work in Holland excites me and also because I absolutely love their work. It's all so different. If I were to label Lava with a style of design I'd say 'good'.


here's a diagram

This is my final piece for our diagrams project. It's not too easy to read at this size but it shows what the title says! It's an A2 poster that would be displayed in hospitals and doctor's surgeries as a warning about the amount of alcohol we consume as a country.


graph - ic - t - shirt

T-shirt design based on one of my graphs I made for my latest uni project.


apparently drinking alcohol makes pianos go wonky...

This is my first idea for my diagrams project at uni. The brief should be reflected in the graph so I hopefully don't need to explain it. Unfortunately Adam pointed out it looks like a wonky piano - not exactly the look I was going for...